
Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I can't believe that it's been three years since my last post.
A lot happened over the span of three years.

December 2011: I moved from the West Coast to the East Coast.

January 2012: I found out that I was going to be a mommy.

July 23 2012: I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, 
 Robert Ethan Riley.

August 2013: Spent this month commuting to and from the hospital with my mom to visit Ethan in the NICU.

Isn't he the most beautiful thing I "baked"?

from  east to west 
May 2013 : Moved from the east coast to the west coast

Spent time with my parents

June 2013: Put in more hugs before he left for Manila. Hardest decision I made.

July 23 2013: Ethan turned one and they threw an amazing birthday party for him.

August  2013 to present: Everyday facetime sessions with my son. 

Thanks to my parents and my sisters and my niece, my son is growing up to be a handsome, amazing little man. I miss the little man to bits. Soon, baby. I promise.

Hopefully, I can throw in a couple of baking and cooking sessions between facetime with my son and work. 
We shall see.